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16 juillet 2017 7 16 /07 /juillet /2017 09:06
Social movements worldwide call for release of Khalida Jarrar, Khitam al-Saafin
July 15, 2017 4:34 P.M. (Updated: July 15, 2017 6:21 P.M.)
Man holds up poster of Khalida Jarrar (File)
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- Leftist political parties and social movements from around the world have called for the release of imprisoned activists Khitam al-Saafin, the chairwoman of the Union of Palestinian Women's Committee, and Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) member Khalida Jarrar, after Israel sentenced both women to administrative detention for their leading roleswithin the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Israeli forces detained Jarrar, a long-serving PLC member representing the PFLP, on July 2 after raiding her home in Ramallah in the central West Bank, 13 months after Jarrar was released from Israeli custody on June 3, 2016 after serving more than a year in prison, one month of which was under administrative detention.

Jarrar is also the head of the Prisoners' Commission in the PLC, and vice-chairperson of the board of directors of Palestinian prisoners' rights group Addameer.

On Wednesday, an Israeli military court sentenced Jarrar to six months of administrative detention.

On the same night Israeli forces detained Jarrar, Khitam al-Saafin was also detained in the village of Beituniya in the central occupied West Bank.

On Sunday, Israeli authorities sentenced al-Saafin to three months of administrative detention.

The Israeli army has said both women were detained for their activities within the PFLP, which Israel has designated as a "terrorist" organization.

Palestinian prisoner solidarity network Samidoun released a report on Friday stating that several political groups and movements denounced the imprisonment of al-Saafin and Jarrar.

The Communist Party of Spain stated that the detentions were “part of the permanent policy of apartheid and ethnic cleansing put into practice by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people,” adding that Israel’s aim was to “topple the organizations of the struggling, popular, democratic and feminist left.”

The Landless Workers’ Movement, a Brazilian land reform social movement, said that the detentions represented an “attack on the political activity and popular organization of the Palestinian people.”

Samidoun also quoted a statement from Greece's Hellenic Union of Progressive Lawyers that called Israel’s actions “illegal, inhumane, contrary to international law and constitute parts of a violent policy attempting to impose the occupation indefinitely and diminish the lawful and legitimate Palestinian resistance.”

“The systematic arrests of Palestinian patriots is an integral part of the Zionist policy of occupation and repression, by Israel, against the Palestinian people and those forces, such as the PFLP, which courageously fight for the respect of, and to secure, their legitimate national rights,” the Portuguese Communist Party added.

At least 10 other groups also released statements demanding the release of the two Palestinian leaders, according to Samidoun.

According to Addameer, there were 6,200 Palestinians in Israeli prisons as of May, including 56 women, and 490 held in administrative detention.

Israel uses administrative detention almost exclusively against Palestinians. The widely condemned Israeli policy allows for a detainee to be sentenced for up to six-month renewable intervals based on undisclosed evidence.

Although Israeli authorities claim the withholding of evidence during administrative detention is essential for state security concerns, rights groups have instead claimed the policy allows Israeli authorities to hold Palestinians for an indefinite period of time without showing any evidence that could justify their detentions.

Rights groups have claimed that Israel's administrative detention policy has been used as an attempt to disrupt Palestinian political and social processes, notably targeting Palestinian politicians, activists, and journalists.

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16 juillet 2017 7 16 /07 /juillet /2017 09:00
Publish Date: 2017/07/15
Jerusalem civic leader placed under house arrest for TV interview

JERUSALEM, July 15, 2017 (WAFA) – Palestinian civic activist Mohammad Jadallah was placed under house arrest in his East Jerusalem home following his release from detention, according to reports.

Israeli police detained Jadallah on Friday following a TV interview on the events in Jerusalem in light of the police measures against al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City.

He was arrested at his Beit Safafa home and held for several hours before he was released on a $2800 bail and placed under house arrest for five days.

He was also banned from giving press interviews for 30 days.




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15 juillet 2017 6 15 /07 /juillet /2017 11:21
À Gaza, un théâtre ambulant cherche à faire sourire les enfants



Un théâtre ambulant parcourt les villes et les villages de la bande de Gaza pour soulager les enfants du stress psychologique causé par le siège

Le théâtre ambulant donne un spectacle dans une école maternelle à Gaza (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)
12 juillet 2017

BANDE DE GAZA – À l’hôpital des Martyrs d’al-Aqsa, dans le quartier Nuseirat de Gaza, Mohammed Abu Arab, 11 ans, atteint d’une leucémie, attend avec impatience, assis dans sa chaise, l’arrivée d’une troupe de théâtre.



Les comédiens du théâtre ambulant apportent une aide psychologique aux enfants grâce à des jouets, des sketches et des jeux (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


De tels événements sont rares à Gaza, frappée par la pauvreté, isolée par un siège mené à la fois par Israël et l’Égypte.

« Je n’avais jamais vu de tels spectacles avant parce que nous n’avons pas beaucoup de théâtres à Gaza. Quand ils viennent à l’hôpital, les clowns utilisent des couleurs pour dessiner de belles formes sur nos visages. Et puis nous participons aussi au spectacle de jeux de lumières, dabka et chansons », explique Abu Arab.



Des membres de l’équipe rendent visite à un enfant dans une école maternelle (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


« Ils nous aident à nous développer et à découvrir nos talents et les choses autour de nous », poursuit Abu Arab.

Ahmad Yunus, un lycéen de 16 ans, du camp de Bureij, à l’est de Gaza, témoigne : « Le théâtre ambulant nous aide à nous amuser et nous permet de nous détendre en même temps ».



Les enfants d’une école maternelle s’amusent avec les comédiens du théâtre ambulant (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


« Grâce à ces formidables créations, nous pouvons explorer nos personnalités, notre environnement, et développer nos talents », ajoute-t-il.

Le docteur Ahmed Radi, psychologue, explique que le théâtre est un moyen de soulager le stress psychologique et de développer la confiance en soi, en particulier pour les enfants.

« Les études montrent que l’exposition de spectateurs, en particulier les enfants, à des pièces de théâtre ou le fait d’imiter des personnages héroïques a réduit le comportement agressif de certains enfants », souligne-t-il.



Un clown fait son numéro pour des orphelins dans un club de sports à Gaza (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


Animés par la volonté d’atténuer les effets de trois guerres qui ont ravagé les enfants de la bande de Gaza, un groupe de jeunes Gazaouis a créé ce théâtre ambulant en juin 2016 pour soulager les chagrins et les souffrances des enfants.

La Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team comprend douze comédiens volontaires qui financent le théâtre avec leur argent.



Les enfants d’un orphelinat jouent avec la troupe (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


En délivrant des messages positifs aux enfants et à leur famille à travers les spectacles, des questions de société délicates et des préoccupations sécuritaires sont abordées et mises en lumière. Les enfants sont incités à ne pas toucher aux restes de missiles israéliens et à se tenir loin de la frontière avec Israël, ils sont aussi sensibilisés à l’importance de garder une bonne hygiène corporelle.

Distiller de la joie

« Le théâtre offre ses services aux enfants sur la base du volontariat, il ne réalise aucun profit, et son objectif est d’alléger les conditions de vie difficiles de nos enfants », explique Amjad al-Majdalawi, une des fondatrices de la troupe.



Un comédien joue avec des enfants malades à l’hôpital de Gaza (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


Le théâtre offre plusieurs programmes artistiques – de l’improvisation, de la peinture sur visage, et pour la première fois un théâtre de marionettes.

Un conteur habillé d’un chapeau rouge et d’un keffieh, des symboles palestiniens très forts, assis au milieu d’un cercle formé par les enfants, raconte des histoires héroïques pleines d’aventures. C’est une des prestations préférées des enfants. Le patrimoine palestinien est maintenu vivace par des spectacles de dabka, une danse traditionnelle palestinienne, des chansons du folklore national ou même des jeux.



Un comédien, vêtu d’une tenue traditionnelle, interpelle de jeunes enfants (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


Le théâtre ambulant tourne dans les hôpitaux pour enfants, les orphelinats et les écoles maternelles. Les spectacles sont gratuits et parfois, les écoles prennent en charge les frais de déplacement.


« Ces activités libèrent les enfants des sentiments qu’ils refoulent et distille en eux de la joie et du bonheur. Elles leur permettent de parler librement de ce qu’ils ont en tête pour être capable de s’extraire d’une réalité difficile », explique Majdalawi.

Au regard des défis auxquels est confronté le théâtre ambulant, Majdalawi souligne que le soutien financier d’organisations locales et internationales est nécessaire pour que le travail puisse se faire dans toute la société palestinienne.



Spectacle de dabka, danse traditionnelle palestinienne, pour les enfants d’un club de sports à Gaza (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


« Nous avons besoin des organisations locales et internationales pour soutenir sérieusement cette idée, pour offrir une aide financière qui nous permette de développer notre travail et de toucher tous les segments de la société palestinienne », poursuit Majdalawi.



Un des membres du théâtre joue avec des veuves (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


Elle espère que leurs spectacles pourront se jouer en Cisjordanie, et apporter de la joie et du plaisir aux enfants qui vivent là-bas et partout dans les territoires palestiniens, mais le siège israélien imposé à Gaza depuis 2007 rend cela difficile.



Les enfants écoutent les comédiens raconter une histoire (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


Selon le Bureau central palestinien des statistiques (PCBS), il existe actuellement quatorze théâtres dans toute la Palestine, onze en Cisjordanie et trois à Gaza, mais aucun d’entre eux ne propose de théâtre ambulant. Ils sont affiliés à des institutions de la société civile et pour la plupart, produisent des spectacles centrés autour du patrimoine palestinien et du conflit israélo-palestinien.



Les membres du théâtre ambulant en train de jouer et de proposer un spectacle dans un club de sports à Gaza (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


Pour Yousef Hijazi, écrivain et directeur du théâtre palestinien, « un des obstacles les plus importants auxquels est confronté le théâtre est le manque de filles instruites pour incarner les différents rôles. Dans les habitudes sociales et les traditions, les filles ne sont pas autorisées à faire ce genre de travail. Du coup, cela oblige les jeunes garçons à incarner des rôles de filles et à porter des costumes féminins sur scène. »



La troupe comprend douze comédiens (Palestine Theatre Enterntainment Team)


Mais Dina Nassar, une des comédiennes du théâtre, raconte avoir été beaucoup encouragée par ses parents à apporter de la joie aux enfants. « Le théâtre sert à dessiner un sourire sur les lèvres des enfants, en particulier ceux qui sont malades, et d’apporter de la joie et du plaisir aux cœurs de tous les segments de notre communauté, les jeunes comme les adultes. »


Traduit de l'anglais (original).



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15 juillet 2017 6 15 /07 /juillet /2017 10:57
Israeli security cabinet freezes plan for Palestinian housing in Qalqiliya
July 13, 2017 4:34 P.M. (Updated: July 14, 2017 9:26 A.M.)
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- The Israeli security cabinet voted on Wednesday to postpone discussions regarding plans to expand the Palestinian city of Qalqiliya in the northern occupied West Bank, weeks after Israeli officials condemned the planned construction.

According to Israeli news outlet Ynet, the security cabinet ruled for no further steps to be taken with regards to the plan, which would see some 5,000 housing units built in Qalqiliya, until it convenes to discuss the matter on July 23.

The security cabinet also called on Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to issue a ruling on how control of Area C, the 60 percent of the West Bank under full Israeli control, should be divided between the Israeli army and government, and how this would affect the plan.

"This is the first step in the right direction," Yossi Dagan, the head of the Samaria Regional Council for illegal Israeli settlements in the northern West Bank, told Ynet.

"I call on the prime minister to complete this move and remove this absurd plan… from the agenda, and dedicate more time to advancing construction plans for the citizens of the State of Israel in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and all over the country," Dagan added, using the Israeli term for the occupied West Bank.

The security cabinet decided in late 2016 to expand the municipal boundaries of Qalqiliya into Area C, where Palestinians are essentially prohibited from building or developing without quasi-impossible to obtain Israeli permits.

While a number of right-wing Israeli politicians, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claimed they were not fully aware of the plans, far-right wing Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who has been pushing the plan, has claimed that transcripts of cabinet meetings proved that high-level Israeli officials were informed of the plan.

The planned expansion of Qalqiliya has been seen as part of Lieberman’s “carrot and stick” policy, whereby harsher punishment would be imposed upon families and villages from which Palestinian "terrorists" originate, while economic benefits would be granted to areas that "have not produced terrorists."

The expansion plan aims to address the growing need for housing in Qalqiliya, whose population is expected to rise from 51,000 today to 80,000 residents by 2035.

While Israeli politicians went up in arms over initial reports that the expansion would involve 14,000 housing units, the Israeli Planning Administration has stated that the “realistic capacity” of the plan in fact only amounts to 6,187 units -- 1,000 of which have already been built without Israeli permission and are expected to be retroactively legalized.

Right-wing Israeli politicians denounced the agreement made between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israeli officials to rescind some of Israel’s control in Area C, fearing that such a move could permanently relinquish large parts of Area C to a future Palestinian state should a two-state solution be reached between Israelis and Palestinians.

Initial outrage from right-wing officials over the plans was also centered around the claim that illegal settlement expansion was being hindered at the same time, despite the fact that construction began on the first new illegal Israeli settlement to be built in the occupied West Bank in 25 years in June.

Despite the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the international community pushing for a two-state solution along 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital, a number of far-right Israelis have called for the annexation of more territory to Israel -- with demands ranging from the incorporation of major illegal settlement blocs in the occupied Palestinian territory into Israel to the full annexation of the West Bank.

The 1995 Oslo Accords between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israeli authorities divided the West Bank into Area A, B, and C. Area A, comprising the populated Palestinian cities and making up 18 percent of the West Bank, would be controlled by the newly formed PA, while Area B remained under Israeli army control with the PA controlling civil affairs.

Area C, which contains the majority of natural resources and open spaces in the Palestinian territory, was however placed under full Israeli military control.

The Israeli-controlled land was expected to be gradually transferred to the PA over a five-year period, according to the Oslo agreements. Yet, almost two decades later, the land has remained under Israeli control.

Area C, along with East Jerusalem, has been the site of Israeli settlement expansion in contravention of international law, while Israel’s separation wall has further divided Palestinian communities.

Israeli rights group B’Tselem reported that Palestinians experienced in 2016 the highest number of Israeli demolitions since the group began recording the incidents. At the same time, settlement watchdog Peace now reported that Israel’s illegal settlement construction in the West Bank increased by 34 percent in 2016, with Israeli authorities initiating construction on 1,814 new settler housing units.

According to Palestinians and rights groups, Israel’s overall goal, both in its policies in Area C and Israel’s settlement enterprise, is to depopulate the land of its Palestinian residents and replace them with Jewish Israeli communities in order to manipulate population demographics in all of historic Palestine.

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15 juillet 2017 6 15 /07 /juillet /2017 10:49
3 Palestinians killed, 2 Israelis seriously injured in East Jerusalem shooting
July 14, 2017 9:19 A.M. (Updated: July 14, 2017 10:13 A.M.)
JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Three Palestinians were killed and two Israelis were injured during an armed confrontation in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem early on Friday morning.

According to Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, three Palestinians carried out a shooting attack at the Lions’ Gate at around 7:00 a.m. on Friday, critically injuring two Israeli police officers, who were taken to hospitals for treatment, and moderately injuring another.

Despite reports in Hebrew-language media stating that two Israeli officers had succumbed to their wounds, Rosenfeld told Ma'an that both were still alive, "as far as I know."

Israeli forces then heavily opened fire towards the Palestinians as they

headed towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, injuring the three, who were left on the ground bleeding while medics were reportedly prevented from approaching them, witnesses told Ma’an.

Witnesses told Ma’an that the Palestinians entered Lions’ Gate on a motorcycle and shot at the police officers at point-blank range, before heading towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound’s Gate of Remission -- known in Arabic as Bab al-Huttah -- where Israeli forces shot them at close range.

A spokesperson for the hospital in which the two seriously injured officers were taken could not immediately be reached for comment. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Shaare Zedek Medical Center told Ma'an that it was treating one Israeli man who was "lightly injured" by live fire, and two others who suffered from "panic attacks."

Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said that the Palestinians were carrying two Carlo submachine guns, a handgun, and a knife.

Rosenfeld added that Israeli police had closed off the area of the Old City, including blocking access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, as witnesses said that Israeli forces were preventing people from entering or leaving the compound.

The deadly incident took place as Israeli forces killed an 18-year-old Palestinian early on Friday during a detention raid in the al-Duheisha refugee camp in the occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem.


This is a developing story.
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15 juillet 2017 6 15 /07 /juillet /2017 10:31
La libération de Benghazi applaudie par de nombreuses capitales
Le maréchal Haftar renforce sa position
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le 10.07.17 | 12h00     

Le maréchal Khalifa Haftar et Fayez al-Sarraj 
Le maréchal Khalifa Haftar et Fayez al-Sarraj  

Le maréchal Khalifa Haftar et Fayez al-Sarraj

Le maréchal Khalifa Haftar s’est envolé samedi pour Dubaï afin d’annoncer la libération définitive de Benghazi des poches restantes de Daech et ses alliés.

Laquelle «libération» a été saluée avec les honneurs qu’il faut à Londres, Paris et Washington. L’homme fort de l’Est libyen renforce davantage ses positions dans toute la Libye, étant le protecteur des richesses pétrolières et ayant sous son autorité la quasi-totalité des bases aériennes militaires, à part celles de Tripoli et Misrata.

Par contre, le gouvernement d’Al Sarraj, reconnu à l’échelle internationale comme l’autorité légale en Libye, ne dispose pas d’autant de présence sur le terrain. Les observateurs de la scène libyenne sentent un revirement de la communauté internationale vers plus de considération pour Haftar, qui a de fait bloqué l’application de l’accord de Sekhirat de décembre 2015. Mais, il s’agit aussi de composer avec l’islam politique, notamment les gens de Misrata, pilier économique de la Libye et force politico-militaire incontournable pour l’équilibre sur la scène(libyenne).

L’Est libyen a toujours été hostile à la nomination de la hiérarchie militaire par le président du Conseil présidentiel, soit Fayez Al Sarraj. Les représentants de l’Est ont toujours refusé cet article, lui préférant l’actuelle disposition, accordant au président du Parlement, Aguila Salah, ce pouvoir. Avec ses derniers acquis sur le terrain, le maréchal Haftar, et derrière lui tout l’Est libyen, semble se diriger vers la concrétisation de cet objectif de refuser la tutelle du Conseil présidentiel sur l’autorité militaire. Haftar commence à convaincre la communauté internationale de son efficacité sur le terrain de la lutte contre le terrorisme, d’une part, et de l’installation des premiers signes de l’autorité de l’Etat, d’autre part.Par ailleurs, l’expert Ezzeddine Aguil considère que la victoire finale de Haftar à Benghazi va changer la donne dans l’Ouest libyen, notamment à Tripoli. Aguil attire l’attention sur le fait que «les puissances occidentales ne peuvent plus ignorer que Haftar est omniprésent sur le terrain, alors qu’Al Sarraj ne dispose d’autre autorité que celle que lui procurent les papiers».

Aguil pense que «l’onde des victoires de Haftar va inévitablement toucher Misrata et Tripoli».Il reste toutefois une inconnue, qui est l’attitude des groupes les plus hostiles à Haftar, qui se déclarent, de temps à autres à Misrata. Si le gouvernement de réconciliation d’Al Sarraj, basé à Tripoli, tente de composer avec un Haftar en pleine ascension, il ne fait guère de doute aux yeux des observateurs que les «durs» de Misrata se retourneraient contre Al Sarraj, créant une fracture dans les rangs de l’Ouest libyen. La «libération» de Benghazi risque de reconfigurer le schéma politique libyen.



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14 juillet 2017 5 14 /07 /juillet /2017 09:10
Publish Date: 2017/07/12
Rozana lunches 9th heritage week in Birzeit

 BIRZEIT, July 12, 2017 (WAFA) – Rozana association Wednesday launched the 9th edition of the Birzeit Heritage week in the Old City of Birzeit.

The festival kicked off with a parade and the traditional wedding 'Zaffeh’ towards the old town of Birzeit for the ribbon cutting ceremony, then proceeded towards the main stage, passing through the Souq of the Heritage Week.

Then a married couple took part in a traditional Palestinian wedding and bridal Henna in a show that highlights Palestinian traditions and heritage.

Kiosks were set up all along the Old City’s streets which sell everything from food, embroidered items, drinks, soaps, clothes and accessories.

All of these products were made by local and small Palestinian businesses as Rozana aims to support and help promote the development of small communities through using available resources.

The performances for the first day will include Rap Music, traditional music, and plays for children, Dabkeh and a storytelling performance.

Birzeit Heritage Week is organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Birzeit municipality.

 The main sponsor is the European Union, working within a joint project with the Sareyyet Ramallah entitled “Palestine and Europe: Joint Human Values through cultural activities”.

The festival aims to enhance cooperation between the Palestinian cultural centers, activate artistic and cultural activity and networking among the centers, artists and civil society organizations.

In addition, the project aims to identify the Palestinian popular heritage, means of protecting it, promoting freedom of expression and raising awareness on the cultural rights whilst reaching out to the largest and widest possible sector of the public particularly in the underprivileged rural and marginalized areas.

The activity also aims at enhancing the concept of voluntary work among the youth, and developing human capacity in the field of cultural management.

In an official press release, the organizers of the Heritage Week said “With the escalation of oppression and suppression and the continued occupation of land, and while freedom is restricted and those who try to defend rights are silenced, the only way out left for the human conscience is to adhere to heritage.”




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14 juillet 2017 5 14 /07 /juillet /2017 09:06
Khitam al-Saafin, Présidente de l’Union des femmes palestiniennes, sous le coup de la « détention administrative » 
undi 10 juillet 2017 / 10h:23
Photo : MaanImages
Khitam al-Saafin, Présidente de l'Union des femmes palestiniennes - Photo : MaanImages
Ma’an NewsLes autorités israéliennes d’occupation ont ce dimanche condamné Khitam al-Saafin, la présidente du Comité de l’Union des femmes palestiniennes, à trois mois de détention administrative, la politique d’internement hautement contestée d’Israël d’emprisonnement, sans procès ou accusations et sans limite de temps.


Mahmoud Hassan, responsable de l’unité juridique du groupe de défense des droits des prisonniers, Addameer, a déclaré qu’une séance de la Cour se tiendra tenue mercredi dans le centre de détention d’Ofer pour confirmer la peine.

Les forces israéliennes ont enlevé Al-Saafin le 2 juillet dans le village de Beituniya au centre de la Cisjordanie occupée, le même jour où elles ont kidnappé Khalida Jarrar, membre du Conseil législatif palestinien, un autre militante de défense des Droits de l’homme.

La cour d’Ofer a prolongé lundi les détentions d’al-Saafin et de Jarrar en attendant l’exploitation des données des ordinateurs qui ont été volés à leurs domiciles pendant les raids, et pour donner aux juges israéliens le temps de se prononcer en faveur d’une détention administrative.

L’armée israélienne a prétendu que les deux détentions étaient dues aux rôles importants joué par les feux femmes dans le Front populaire pour la libération de la Palestine (FPLP) – un parti palestinien de tendance marxiste bien connu, qu’Israël considère comme un groupe « terroriste ».

« Nous protestons contre l’arrestation de députés et militantes palestiniennes, ainsi que la détention continue des dirigeants politiques et de responsables de la société civile palestinienne », a déclaré Hanan Ashrawi, du comité exécutif de l’Organisation de Libération de la Palestine (OLP), ajoutant que « clairement, cette arrestation politique est une preuve supplémentaire que le système judiciaire en Israël n’a rien à voir avec la justice ».

En réponse aux raids de détention, le FPLP a déclaré: « ces attaques n’empêcheront pas (le FPLP) de continuer à assumer son rôle dans la résistance à l’occupation et de faire face aux crimes et aux projets qui tentent de liquider la cause palestinienne ».

Selon Addameer, il y avait en mai 6200 Palestiniens dans les prisons israéliennes, dont 56 femmes, et 490 prisonniers en détention administrative.

Israël utilise la détention administrative presque exclusivement contre les Palestiniens. La politique israélienne largement condamnée permet qu’un détenu soit condamné pour des intervalles allant jusqu’à six mois et renouvelables sans limite, sur la base de soit-disant preuves non divulguées.

Bien que les autorités israéliennes prétendent que la retenue d’éléments de « preuve » pendant la détention administrative est essentielle pour les préoccupations sécuritaires de l’État, les groupes de défense des droits de l’homme ont affirmé que cette politique permet aux autorités israéliennes d’emprisonner des Palestiniens pour une durée indéterminée sans aucune preuve pouvant justifier leurs détentions.

Les groupes de défense des droits de l’homme estiment que la politique de détention administrative d’Israël sert à perturber les processus politiques et sociaux palestiniens, notamment en s’attaquant aux responsables politiques, les militants et les journalistes palestiniens.

9 juillet 2017 – Ma’an News – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine




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14 juillet 2017 5 14 /07 /juillet /2017 09:02
Palestinian family served punitive demolition order by Israeli army
July 12, 2017 12:36 P.M. (Updated: July 12, 2017 8:39 P.M.)
BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Israeli army delivered a punitive demolition order to a Palestinian family in the village of Deir Abu Meshaal in the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah in a predawn military raid Wednesday, in the wake of a deadly attack in front of Jerusalem's Old City last month in which three Palestinians assailants were shot dead and an Israeli border police officer was killed.

Last week, the Israeli army already delivered demolition warrants for the homes belonging to the families of two of the slain Palestinians, and for unknown reasons, the third family was not notified that their house would be demolished until Wednesday's raid.

The Israeli army said in statement that the family was given 72 hours to appeal the demolition order.

A copy of one of the warrant's delivered earlier this month confirmed that the family of 18-year-old Baraa Ibrahim Saleh was ordered to be demolished. It remained unclear which family -- that of Adel Hassan Ankosh, 18, or Osama Ahmad Atta, 19 -- also received a warrant that day and which received it on Wednesday.

Immediately following the June 16 attack, Israeli authorities took measurements of the homes in preparation for the demolitions.

According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, a total of 22 people will be left homeless once they are carried out, none of whom who have been charged with any wrongdoing.

The delivery of the warrants came after the families and the wider communities of Deir Abu Mashaal have already been subjected to a series of reprisal measures that are routine following deadly attacks, which have been denounced by rights groups as “collective punishment.”

Four Palestinians were detained over the June 16 attack in Jerusalem, including both the mother and father of Adel Ankoush, after speaking out about the death of their child and being accused of “incitement.”

His mother Zeinab has since been released on a $1,700 bail and on the condition that a third party sign a $5,660 bond to guarantee that she attend future court sessions.

Additionally, a Jerusalemite Palestinian was detained, over suspicions of transporting the three Palestinians from the occupied West Bank to Jerusalem, and another man from the Ramallah area was also detained for alleged involvement in planning the attack.

Israeli police said that charges against the two are expected to be filed later on Wednesday.

Israeli authorities have continued to implement restrictive policies on Palestinians in Deir Abu Mashaal, Israeli NGO B'Tselem reported, after it was placed under a military blocked immediately following the attack.

“This automatic form of retaliation has become a matter of policy for the military, in a cynical abuse of its power to mistreat civilians,” B’Tselem said.

Family members of the alleged assailants had their Israeli work permits revoked, including 50 who were dependent on work inside Israel. Some 250,000 Palestinians who had received family visitation permits to enter Jerusalem and Israel during Ramadan also saw their permits revoked following the attack.

The bodies of the three alleged assailants have continued to be held by Israeli authorities, as Israel is known to withhold Palestinian bodies from their families for extended periods of time after they have carried out an attack, alleging that funerals of “martyrs” -- Palestinians killed by Israeli forces -- encourage “incitement” against the Israeli state.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fast-tracked punitive home demolitions in an effort to “deter” attacks carried out by Palestinian individuals since the beginning of a wave of violence across the occupied Palestinian territory in late 2015.

The move came despite past recommendations by an Israeli military committee that the practice did not deter attacks. B’Tselem has condemned the practice of punitive home demolitions and work permit confiscations as "court-sanctioned revenge" carried out on family members who have not committed crimes, amounting to collective punishment.

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14 juillet 2017 5 14 /07 /juillet /2017 08:46
Bob Corker: Saudi terrorism support 'dwarfs' Qatar's

Republican says Saudi crown prince may have made 'rookie mistake' over Qatar blockade, as diplomatic efforts continue.



An influential US Republican senator has criticised the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, over a blockade on Qatar by the kingdom and three other Arab states.

The comments by Bob Corker, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, came as tensions in the region continue over the crisis, with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson expected to make an unscheduled stop in Doha on Thursday.

"The amount of support for terrorism by Saudi Arabia dwarfs what Qatar is doing," Corker said on Wednesday.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut ties with Qatar on June 5 and imposed a land, air and sea blockade on the country.

The quartet accuse Qatar of funding "terrorism", an accusation Qatar rejects as "baseless".

Corker said he was "really disappointed to see what Saudi Arabia did after having a great summit and bringing everybody together", referring to May's Riyadh conference that saw leaders of the GCC and other Arab states meet with US President Donald Trump.

"I think this is quite possibly a rookie mistake by a crown prince who I think could be the future for Saudi Arabia," Corker added.

READ MORE: All the latest updates on the Qatar-Gulf crisis

The Tennessee senator made the comments while addressing the former US ambassador to Israel during a legislative committee hearing.

Al Jazeera's Heidi Zhou-Castro, reporting from Washington, DC, said the Saudi crown prince is "widely seen as among the blockade's chief architects and a chief organiser of the alliance behind it".

She said that Corker has been among the blockade's strongest US critics, adding that the senator has threatened to block weapons sales to members of the GCC until there was a clear path for settling the dispute.

Tilllerson's Gulf visit

Corker's comments came as Tillerson wrapped up the third leg of his four-day trip to the Gulf aimed at helping solve the GCC crisis.

Having shuttled between Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia in an effort to help solve the GCC crisis, Tillerson is set to make an unexpected return to Doha on Thursday before returning to the US.

On Wednesday, Tillerson met the Saudi king, crown prince and his counterparts from the Saudi-led quartet.

The Jeddah visit followed meetings in Doha with the Qatari emir and foreign minister on Tuesday.

Tillerson told reporters that the Qatari government had "reasonable" views during the crisis.

"I think Qatar has been quite clear in its positions, and I think those have been very reasonable," he said.

Tillerson and the Qatari foreign minister also announced that the US and Qatar made an agreement on combating "terrorism" and its financing during the visit.

Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said the memorandum of understanding was not related to the current dispute.

But Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) called the agreement "insufficient" and the result of "repeated calls" from the Saudi-led group over the past few years.



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